With its cloud-based solution, tracekey is one of the leading level 4/5 providers among the serialization systems.
The International Society of Automation (ISA) categorizes IT systems into five levels based on their role in the production process. This has also become the standard wording in the description of serialization systems.
The lowest level (Level 1) describes software used in printing systems or production lines. L1 software controls printers, cameras, vision inspection etc.
Level 2 (L2) describes software that coordinates the control of different L1 components in interaction with a higher functional unit, such as a production line.
Level 3 (L3) is software that distributes and manages information within a production facility to centrally control several production lines. Common terms are e.g. ‘Site Management’ or ‘MES’ systems.
Enterprise resource planning systems are typical Level 4 systems (L4). These allow the exchange and management of data within a company to centrally manage several production sites.
Level 5 systems manage the exchange of information with external parties, such as contract manufacturers or government systems. They allow the separation between internal and external data, as well as the isolated handling of external access.
Of course, tracekey also works with providers of different levels and has a broad network of business partners. tracekey has established standardized connections to all other levels. Find out more here.