How customer success is made a reality at tracekey

Customer Success becomes reality

The Customer Success Team is one of the most important teams in our company, because as a provider of a SaaS solution cooperation with our customers is essential. Our Customer Success Team meets the daily challenges that arise with a great deal of commitment, heart, and competence.

At tracekey, our Customer Success Team (CS Team) takes over one important and comprehensive task above all else: they are the first contact. When it comes to the use of our software both our customers and the product success team are in continuous dialogue with CS. The team takes care to balance the needs and requirements of both “interest groups”. This also includes creating a pleasant atmosphere for our customers. They should always know that they can rely on the CS team.

To ensure this, our CS managers are all on the same page and know what the respective customers are facing at the moment. Every morning, the entire CS team meets to discuss the latest topics. For example, which tasks are pending or whether there are urgent problems when something does not work during the system tests. Also, upcoming on-boardings of new customers, updates of the current system version, or necessary features are discussed during the meeting.

Support beyond the use of the software

It is very important to us that our clients achieve their goals together with tracekey. That is why our Customer Success Managers (CSM) always have the customer’s goals in mind and provide support even in places that at first glance have nothing to do with tracekey. Besides the usual questions like “When does the next production take place?”, the CS Team also looks at files that are stuck in the system or initiates necessary coordination between the pharmaceutical companies and their business partners. If the customers are dissatisfied with their processes, our CSM show how mytracekey PHARMA can be used more efficiently or they jointly consider which new features would be useful in the future. Our Customer Success Team not only accompanies our direct customers such as parallel importers or pharmaceutical companies, but also supports their business partners, if necessary.

Furthermore, if new employees who are not yet familiar with the topic of serialization join our customers, our Customer Success Team also supports them with training on current regulatory developments and explains to them how to use our system.

Customer Success Team: Interface between customers and development

The CS team also plays an important role as an interface within tracekey. Here the connection between customers, developers, the product manager, and our Scrum Master is especially important. In everyday life, the CS Team and the product team are in constant touch, because questions and feedback have to be forwarded. Besides, the CS Team takes over the testing of the system together with the customer. Through our Customer Success Team, updates can be tested quickly and in-house with practical scenarios. Accordingly, many of our customers’ everyday workflows are also covered by our system tests. Here, Product Success and Customer Success work hand in hand according to a strict schedule to enable regular updates. Therefore, both teams work together to create the new documentation and validation documents and ensure that customers always know how to use the system to the best possible extent through training and appropriate manuals.

Problem solver in a class of its own

Regular updates, new features, constant adjustments to legal changes, and difficulties on the part of the authorities’ servers mean that not everything always runs smoothly. Whenever processes do not work as they should, our CS managers go in search of the cause. In Sherlock Holmes manner, they reproduce errors and always find a solution to our customers’ concerns. To do this, they not only have to be up to date with the latest legal requirements, but also act as “power users” of the system and, last but not least, have strong communication skills – after all, they spend the whole day talking to customers, colleagues, other teams, and business partners.

Our Customer Success Team is of great importance for the entire company. They are detectives, domain experts, process optimizers, spokespersons, knowledge repositories, outside the box thinkers, and important contacts for all teams. A good example of this is the Sales Team. Immediately after the conclusion of a new contract, the CS team takes over the new customer from them. From then on, everything runs via Customer Success: EMVO-Onboarding, training for software usage, onboarding in our system, manual support if needed, and others.

Also, our CS team works together with all other teams. Be it Sales to provide input on how the sales process could be improved, with Marketing, where important characteristics of the target group are worked out together, with the Administration Team, which writes the corresponding invoices for the individual CS projects, or with the Product Success Team, where test results or important information on customer workflows are exchanged.

How well all these works, can be experienced by our customers themselves. On our references page, we have compiled some quotes from them. What they always praise? Our Customer Success Team.

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