Where, how and in which industry is the Digital Twin currently used? What ideas and possibilities are there to use it as a motor for a faster, safer and more sustainable industry? During the Digitale Woche Dortmund Daniel Althoff, Product Manager at tracekey, spoke about our experiences with the Digital Twin in the pharmaceutical world.
The Digital Twin offers a lot of potential for the manufacturing industry. But what does this mean in concrete terms, and which partners are necessary to filter out the best possible variant for the corresponding industry and product line? Answers to these questions were given at the Zukunftskongress Digitaler Zwilling in Dortmund.
During the over two dozen keynotes, tech talks and workshops at the Zukunftskongress Digitaler Zwilling in Dortmund, one thing became clear: the term “Digital Twin” is used very differently from various perspectives. The organizers had chosen exactly this as the initial point for the congress. New terms first have to be developed and defined by the different actors, ideally together. In addition to the exchange of visions and best practices of the technology-centred initiators, the aim of the event was above all to network the individual players from the Ruhr region’s small and medium-sized businesses. In the field of digitalization, it is precisely this sector that is claiming more and more space for itself, which was also evident at the Zukunftskongress. A wide range of digitization pioneers from the Ruhr area was represented, from augmented reality to smart pumps.
The Digital Twin in the pharmaceutical industry

We are pleased to have been part of a diverse selection of exhibitors and speakers. With our SaaS solution for the pharmaceutical industry, we have made it to the top of serialization vendors in recent years. That’s why we were able to give congress attendees an insight into how we work with the Digital Twin in a highly regulated environment and how an entire industry can be digitized in a short period of time.
Key points of the lecture:
- In the last 5 years, the pharmaceutical industry has almost completely digitalized and networked itself.
- For every prescription drug, there is a Digital Twin, whose CV is written throughout the entire supply chain.
- The Digital Twin is used in the pharmaceutical industry to combat product counterfeiting.
The organizers
We thank Dr. Benjamin Weber, CEO MetaTwin GmbH and Dr. Frank Brehmer, CEO ITB GmbH for the invitation and the exchange at this exciting event.
InnoSentriS is an initiative sponsored by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research with the goal of networking different actors in the field of tension of the Digital Twin. The focus is on sensor technology, cloud/edge, big data, HMI and the manufacturing industry.
You will soon be able to read more about the Digital Twin in the pharmaceutical industry on our blog.